We’re hearing a lot about ‘burn out’, exhaustion and feeling overwhelmed at the moment. There’s so much unpleasantness (to say the least) going on in the world at large and for many, even in your local community. It’s very easy to get caught up in all the fear and negativity, but I notice many people don’t seem to have enough effective skills (or knowledge) to remain strong, calm and confident despite what’s going on around them.
It’s a truth that things in all our lives get tough at times. Sometimes even devastatingly tough. It’s somewhat of a cliche, but those tough times, if we are willing to learn and do the ‘right’ practices, can bring us out the other side better people with extra strength and resilience and often vastly improved life skills.
So what are some of the ‘right’ practices guaranteed to help you navigate each day more comfortably and with less damaging stress?
My number one without a doubt is MEDITATION. Take time each day, no matter what, to sit quietly in your favourite chair and simply close your eyes and breathe. Achieving a state of calmness through meditation is nowhere near as difficult as some people may think. If you sit, for 10 mins a day for a week, then 15 the next week, then 20 mins in the third week, you’ll easily feel a difference. Just sit – legs, arms, feet, hands, uncrossed, back up straight as is comfortable, in as quiet a place as possible and focus on the air coming in through your nose/going out through your nose. Slow your breathing and notice the air is a little warmer coming in and slightly cooler going out. Yes, your thoughts will wander off – this is natural. Each time you discover your focus has left your breathing, simply and gently remind yourself to come back. There is no right, no wrong way to meditate and calm your mind through meditation, however the method I’ve outlined has been used for centuries and is proven to work effectively if practiced diligently.
Meditation is accumulative. Unpleasant and difficult situations will still occur but you’ll learn to deal with them with more peace, confidence and wisdom. Meditation not only brings a calmer mind and body but with practice, you’ll experience great inner joy and with a more peaceful, joyful mind and body, Every Day Gets Better.
My next best choice – MINDFULNESS! Coming soon…………..😊💛
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