One of the many ways we give ourselves a hard time is by comparing ourselves to others.
How exhausting and stressful!
Who’s the judge anyway? Who writes the criteria for who’s better than someone else? Sadly it’s usually the media and advertisers wanting to sell you their latest product.
How about starting today – right now, being kinder to yourself. Give yourself a break from trying to constantly live up to those huge expectations of who and how you think you ‘should’ be and who you think you should be more like. (which is often some celebrity and/or influencer who’s paid large sums of money to try to make you feel like that!)
Begin with ACCEPTANCE.
Take time in your day to practice calming down, taking some slower, deeper breaths and observing your thinking. Are you being kind to yourself or telling yourself off? When you notice your punishing thoughts of yourself – simply take a slow, deep breath and say “I accept myself, as I am, right now”. It may seem weird or futile at first, but after awhile, you’ll actually start believing it and life is infinitely happier and calmer with the kindness of acceptance.
Next – at the end of each day, write down everything that makes you a good person. Did you help someone today? Did you smile at others? Were you kind to an animal? Did you let someone into traffic ahead of you? Did you say kind things on social media? Did you lend your support to someone? Did you encourage others? Did you appreciate someone and tell them? Did you say thank you? Did you do your best to be patient and understanding of others?
You’re already a good person but if you can’t think like that just now, consciously take some of these ideas and do them daily.
Practice each day and see how Every Day Gets Better. 😊❤️
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