Oh my dear fellow humans, I am concerned for the many of you who are allowing your fears to rule your days.
Yes, times are challenging – absolutely, but as much as our normal human rights are being taken away from us (I live in outer Melbourne, Australia, with many disruptive issues going on), it is imperative we remain calm, optimistic and hopeful for a better future.
I’m noticing more and more, what people don’t seem to grasp is if we constantly feed our minds with the drama of what’s happening and/or what might happen – paranoia, fear, anxiety and anger become the norm. Sadly then, we’re leaving ourselves open to depression and physical and psychological health issues. Our immune systems are weakened by fretting and worrying continually and that’s the last thing we want or need in these current times.
Now I’m not suggesting for one minute that we’re not all faced with difficult decisions and a myriad of challenges not of our making that we would obviously rather be without, but it’s still an option as to whether you opt in to the fear (and often anger) that seems to be prevailing, or you choose to remain calm, grounded and strong in your beliefs of a fair go for all.
Yes people are frightened about losing their rights, their jobs and possibly their good health, but how often have you read of people who were faced with massive adversity, even losing pretty much everything, who years later say it was a positive thing as through the difficulties, they became better people and made wiser choices that brought great happiness to them and their loved ones.
Keep in mind mind that many of us grew up in families where suffering and chaos were prevalent and therefore our brains are wired to seek the same in our adult lives but the good news is – we have the power and ability to change it!
It’s pretty common knowledge that what (and who) you surround yourself with, you become and surely at a time like this, we need to be encouraging, uplifting and helpful to others and not cause them to build on their fears. As much as we need to keep ourselves updated on current issues, we also need to remember that as humans we thrive on love, kindness, feeling inspired, hopeful and supported by others.
When we take time to calm down, slow down, meditate, go for quiet walks in nature, read or listen to positive, uplifting and inspiring messages, we are better prepared and make wiser decisions. Not many good decisions (if any) ever come from a chaotic, fearful and anxious mind.
From this moment on, please pledge to yourself and your higher power, (whatever that is for you) that you will take care each day to practice calming your mind and body and that you’ll share joyful, peaceful, kind, encouraging and considerate messages of hope with others.
For extra help to remain calm and happy learn more here:
No-one can take away your mind, your spirit and your amazing ability to be strong and resilient – that’s always your choice and a calm, loving mind brings inner peace no matter what the outer situations are.
When the chips are down, more than ever we need to love, inspire and uplift each other and calmly do our best to ensure Every Day Gets Better – for all. 🙂❤️
Thanks, Wendy, for the reminder beautifully expressed. Looking forward to further communications
Thanks so much Jacqueline. May 2022 bring many wonderful blessings your way.🙂❤️