How to Earn Your Income Calmly – No Stress or Pressure – No Boss – No 9 – 5!
In my previous business life, I worked as a Stress Management Counsellor in my own practice for around thirty five years. I helped people live a calmer, happier lifestyle using Mindfulness, Meditation, Tai Chi, healthy nutrition and by developing a more optimistic outlook.
I noticed great changes in people as they began their journey into discovering they had control over their mind and their daily habits. People loved learning to calm themselves with simple meditation, changes to their dietary habits and by developing a different, more hopeful attitude, leading to enhanced inner peace and more happiness.
However, one thing that people regularly shared with me was their dissatisfaction and often dislike of their work and their jobs. It became a common theme that most people didn’t like going to a job every day, leaving loved ones, the work they were doing and the long hours often involving daily travel in traffic or on public transport.
People wanted the freedom to do more of what they loved but they were acutely aware if they gave up their jobs to pursue what they loved, their income would stop and this thought created great fear. I saw people leave their jobs and start their own business, only to lose their money as the business didn’t succeed financially, causing stress and of course, the need to go back to a job. (Me too. Been there, done that!)
My sadness and frustration was although I could offer people methods to deal with their stress more effectively, I couldn’t help them with their work and financial situation or their lack of freedom to do what they truly loved. Back then, I didn’t have this kind of training, knowledge or experience. I was doing work I loved, but it didn’t pay very well (many of my clients were on low incomes so paid a lower rate) and I was working long hours seeing clients one-on-one and running groups and weekend workshops. So I certainly didn’t have the skills or experience to advise others in the financial aspects of their lifestyle.
However, as I learnt more and developed an interest in how to earn an abundant income without working long hours and without compromising my values and ethics, I’m happy to say, by trial and error and many failures (and a few successes) along the way, and in due course with the introduction to the awesome world of the internet, I’ve become experienced, confident and successful enough to share with others what I have learnt, and continue to learn.
If you would like to have your own online digital business generating a lucrative, ongoing income working from home, working just two hours per day, (your loved ones will love it too!) giving you the time and freedom to do more of what you love and enjoy, get your free blueprint here.
Or use the contact page or send me an email – and I’ll share with you what I do. 😀💰