Sometimes knowingly, or unknowingly we punish ourselves by eating all the wrong foods, not exercising, being too busy at work and socially. We take on too many things, avoid saying no to people and situations and we don’t have enough quiet time. We feel stressed and overwhelmed and crave rest but often don’t even know why.
Self care and self love means taking care of our every need and if this isn’t happening, change needs to occur – sooner rather than later.
We all have areas of our lives we’d like to improve on, whether it be mentally, emotionally or physically. For some it’s their health, others it might be their financial situation, job/career, relationships, or all of the above.
One thing we all have in common, no matter what it is you’re wanting to change – it can be difficult. Some aspects of ourselves and our habits that we want to change can be relatively easy but others, when we’re trying to change a lifetime of conditioned and passed on beliefs and traits, can be arduous, laborious and formidable and we often feel like giving up – and many folks do give up and remain unhappy and unfulfilled for the remainder of their lives.
When change is your desire and possibly your aim or goal, one thing is for certain – you’ll need to learn more and think and do things differently than you’ve been doing in order to get different and better results. ‘You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it’. (Albert Einstein). I’m sure if he was here today he’d also say that you can’t solve problems or change habits without taking different, specific actions.
I’m sure you’ve noticed that when we avoid change, life seems to have a way of ‘bringing us to our knees’ so we have to pay attention. Change often occurs, in a positive way, after people have hit rock bottom.
Some clear examples of how change is often avoided.
If you have health problems and you keep eating junk, rubbish, low (or no) nutritional value foods (and too much food), smoking, drinking alcohol and other sugar laden beverages shown to cause damage to your body, you won’t reach your goal of great health and vitality.
If you want to be fit, you won’t achieve it by not exercising.
If you want to better yourself mentally and emotionally, where possible you’ll need to keep your distance from negativity of all kinds. If you spend your day reading angry, negative and complaining posts on social media or watching violent and/or gloomy and pessimistic shows on streaming services or TV, what’s the chance of you feeling happy and in control of your emotions? You don’t need to be Einstein to figure that one out.
If you want to change yourself and your habits and feel better, you might need to stay away from, or spend less time with, friends who have the same habits. When you’re wanting to change, it’s not surprising that friends who would rather you stay the same (as them) seem to show up more often and people who can actually help you to change are often kept at a distance as they may, without even saying much, challenge your old habits and show by example how you can actually be.
A conditioned mind and body doesn’t want to have to change and if you’re not strong enough to influence and train yourself to learn more and do things differently to what you’ve always done, you’ll soon find yourself back in resistance mode and rejecting new growth completely. Hello same old, same old – goodbye dreams.
It pays to remember that all change is good, even when it’s painful, as it strengthens us and helps us grow into better human beings. The more we accept change (or changes), the less suffering we will experience.
We all have within us, the strength, determination and ability to change and live the life we dream of with good health, happy relationships, rewarding work and abundant finances to meet all our needs. Some take longer than others, but daily progress is possible.
Whether you pursue your dreams or not is your choice of course, but if you decide to choose the path of change, start now and make a list of the things about yourself and your situation you’d like to change, then select one and start today. Do it with gentle kindness towards yourself and aim for one day at a time. Even letting go of one thing that you know is ‘niggling at you’, will start you in the right direction towards bigger change and even adding one beneficial activity will make a positive difference.
May you find the courage to change so Every Day Gets Better. 🙂💛
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