What on earth does “LETTING GO” really mean and how do we achieve this?
Surely if you don’t want something anymore, whether it be a physical thing in your life or an emotion, memory or even a person who you no longer resonate with, isn’t it a simple process to just let it/them go?
So why are there hoarders?
Why do people put so much energy into trying to make old, outdated relationships happy and “right”?
And if you do actually let something or someone go, where do they go if they stay in your memory?
Weird huh!
I guess my definition of LETTING GO is if it doesn’t serve me well and enhance my life in some way, then it’s just clutter and I’m hanging on to it because I fear letting it go and think I may need it or want it again…………… one day.
Why would we fear letting something go that doesn’t serve us well? Perhaps over many years we’ve developed a habit of making our lives complicated and messy and any habit, whether it’s one that serves us well or one that depletes us, remains a habit without (a) a strong desire to change it and (b) a program worked daily to change that habit we no longer want. Constant vigilance is required to enable us to stay on track.
If we hang on to everything and everyone, life may get very busy in all manner of ways that you are not knowingly inviting in to your days and you’ll spend time and energy going around in circles never quite sure of what you are doing or why you are doing it.
So if clutter and people who are not really your cup of tea anymore remain prominent in your life, start de-cluttering immediately!
If it’s a person, a kinder way to do it is to spend as little time with them as possible and less often. It’s quite amazing that as you let go, other people usually do too and it can be quite a gentle process.
If it’s things, get rid of them! Take them to the op-shop and let other people have your clutter or if they’re bigger things, maybe sell them at a garage sale or on EBay. Personally, in most cases, I’m all in favour of giving away as it creates a good flow of energy and demonstrates a spirit of freedom and a belief in abundance.
And if they’re emotional and memories that don’t bring you joy, make sure each and every day you are creating wonderful new experiences, big and small, to eventually make the old unwanted memories fade into oblivion. Practice letting them go with thanks, for the lessons you have hopefully learnt and possibly may not repeat.
And be sure to be practice focusing in the moment and on what you want and not on what you don’t want.
Master this, and EVERY DAY GETS BETTER!
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