Personal peace is a choice.
Yes, there’s much conflict in the world today and there always has been. Right now, people are concerned and even frightened about where world events could be leading, especially in the USA. With any change and state of newness there is fear and it’s valid. Some people are feeling sad and angry while others are feeling elated and happy.
So in the light of the USA election result, who’s right and who’s wrong? Why are some so sad and some so happy?
It all comes down to what we each believe despite any and all evidence to the contrary.
You can strongly dislike something or someone without losing your personal peace. There will never be a time in our world, or the world at large, where everything continually goes according to our likes and plans. That’s just not possible. There will always be much we don’t agree with.
What is possible however, is to practice bringing peace and calmness to your own life each and every day. This is possible, but you’ll need to let go of hatred and judgement and you’ll need to stop making up stories of what you think might happen in the future.
Right now, in this moment, if you’re reading this message, you’re ok. Most likely you have a home, food and clean water, clothing, a source of income and a person (or several people) who cares about you and your well-being. You might even be fortunate enough to enjoy the unconditional adoration of your dog or cat!
You can spend your time and energy fearful and raging over events beyond your control or, you can choose to focus on how you can bring about more serenity and joy to your life and the lives of those you interact with daily.
Operating from a grounded place of love and calmness is more powerful than operating from the chaos and insanity of hatred and (out of control) anger and you’ll positively influence far more people with loving kindness than you will with harsh criticism and violent behaviour.
Which will you choose?
Choose peace and Every Day Gets Better.
Bringing a sense of peace and calmness has made an amazing difference to my life. We are all surrounded by potentially stressful situations each and every day. Ultimately it is how we ‘react’ to these situations that makes the difference, not only to our mental well being but our physical health as well.
Wise words Michelle. Thanks for sharing and I’m glad to hear that. My mental, emotional and indeed, physical health has improved greatly since using Mindfulness. So lovely to see you here ❤️
Yes, that’s so true! I’m in the U.S. and would have liked to see Hillary win the election. I’m very disappointed and a little fearful of what this means, but it doesn’t help anything to let those emotions take over. I voted, which was all I could do, and now we have to accept what the result is. That’s also how democracy works. Criticizing and getting angry won’t help anything and will just make things worse. We need to look at this with a peaceful calm and do what we can to help, just like any other time.
I love your positive attitude of acceptance Sara. It must be harder to remain calm amongst all the negativity and fear in the USA at the moment. You’re a great example to others and I hope people ‘settle down’ soon. Thank you for contributing and sharing. It’s a joy to welcome you here to my blog ❤️
Thanks, Wendy! I’m glad you invited me!