It’s been studied, talked about and recommended for eons but so many people still don’t fully comprehend the power of their thoughts. I even hear some scoffing at the possibility that thinking in a certain way can enhance or detract from one’s happiness.
If you’re a doubter, here’s a great exercise to try.
(1) Set a timer for 1-5 minutes. Now sit and think of nothing but worrying things you believe are your problems or the problems of others around you or the world at large. Indulge yourself, engage with your emotions, think rapidly and strongly about all that you think is wrong or bad. Stop when your timer ends. (Note: if it gets too painful and you find yourself feeling too distressed, stop straight away – don’t force yourself to wait for the full time to be up! Do exercise 2 immediately).
Take notice. How easy was it to think of all those painful and worrying thoughts? Was it hard? Did you have to summon them up or did they keep coming with ease? How do you feel now?
Ok, go make a cuppa, walk around a bit, stretch, take a deep breath and gently tell yourself to let all those uncomfortable thoughts go.
(2) Now sit again and set your timer for the same amount of time as you did previously. Begin thinking of everything beautiful and wonderful. Think of all those things you love. Suggestions include people, animals (if you love them) nature, gardens, flowers, all the hobbies and pastimes you enjoy that bring you happy feelings and calming moments. Fill your thoughts with everything you like, love, admire and enjoy. Continue until your timer ends.
Take notice. How easy was it to fill your thoughts with beautiful, happy things? Was it hard? Did your mind comply or did it keep wandering off to your worries and concerns? If you were able to keep your thoughts loving, happy, joyful and pleasant, even for some of the time, how do you feel now?
If you managed to complete the exercise as suggested, you will undoubtably feel better after the second exercise. If you had difficulty keeping your mind focussed on happy thoughts more than on the worrying ones, this shows you it’s time to practice the second exercise regularly.
Obviously you won’t fix all your problems overnight using this exercise and you won’t wake up tomorrow to world peace, but I promise you, practice mindfully being aware of your thoughts throughout your day and change them to happier ones when your worries are nagging at you and you’ll absolutely change your life for the better. Thinking of what you want, rather than what you don’t want, brings much peace and joy.
And remember to breathe………..right now…………take three nice deep breaths saying to yourself or out loud………on your in breath – “I calm my body and mind” and on your out breath – “I smile”. Repeat often and enjoy as Every Day Gets Better.
I missed this article earlier. Thank you again, Wendy, for reminding us that we have more control over our lives than we think we do. Those are good exercises that I’ll try. 🙂
My pleasure Sara – as I write these posts, it reminds me too. I’d love to hear how you find the exercises ?