As I've previously mentioned in my posts, we recently prepared for a move to a new home. What an enormously disrupting thing to do! Stuff to clear out, stuff to pack away and then the big day arrives Continue Reading
You Are Important!
I'm not fond of so-called celebrities. I don't mean any particular individuals (although there are a few that I don't resonate well with), but I'm talking about Continue Reading
Letting Go of What You Don’t Want!
What on earth does "LETTING GO" really mean and how do we achieve this? Surely if you don't want something anymore, Continue Reading
It's easy to be enthusiastic when things are going according to plan but what about when obstacles keep occurring and your enthusiasm wanes. How do you stay positively focused on what you want? Enthusiasm can be tricky to maintain especially when you are tired or when you have so much to do you and you may feel Continue Reading
Never Give Up!
Much has been written, by many experienced and intelligent people about achieving goals and not giving up, but many of these people don't seem to mention much about how often, in the pursuit of a goal, you may feel exactly like giving up! Throughout the course of my life, I think I've probably spent more time feeling like giving up than I have feeling Continue Reading
Moving On v Staying Stuck.
I am busily sorting, packing and preparing for a move to a new home which is why I've not been writing much of late. The whole process has brought many thoughts, worries and irrational fears for my brain to deal with. I've been over tired, feeling stressed and confused amongst many other emotions that have threatened to disrupt my Continue Reading
Progress Not Perfection!
When you begin a task, do you aim for perfection? Do you believe that unless a perfect result is achieved, it's not Continue Reading
Happiness – What A Topic!!
I know it may sound slightly strange coming from one with 60 years experience on earth but the other day, as I was drying myself after a lovely warm shower, it struck me that happiness is something which needs to be created each and every day! Duh.......... Now obviously I knew that already, but I guess what I realised is that many people actually expect Continue Reading
Idle Chatter and it’s Repercussions.
Have you noticed that if you lump everything you want to do, need to do, find hard to do, don't want to do, know you'd be better off doing, in your thoughts at the same time, you feel pretty stressed and overwhelmed? Is this when you give in, even temporarily I mean, and go and have a coffee or something else that isn't the most beneficial for your health Continue Reading