Are you a rusher? Are you always running late for something and flying out the door at the last minute? I confess! I find myself still doing this. Not anywhere near as much as I used to but from time to time it can still occur. I can be writing away on here or putting my attention on something else I enjoy, knowing full well what time I need to leave the Continue Reading
Feeling Out of Control? Lacking Boundaries?
A week or so ago, we were graced with the presence of our new dog Max. Max is a gorgeous two year old Border Collie X Golden Retriever and he came to us via an animal re-homing service. Continue Reading
The Joys A New Year Can Bring
Well here we are well into the first month of a new year already. Yikes! I'll turn 60 this year and I still haven't figured out whether that's a good or not so good thing! Do I like being this old? Continue Reading
What’s Important to You?
Have you noticed that at this time of year especially, many people are unhappy. Many are full of tension and ready to snap at the slightest provocation. If you need proof just go to your local shopping centre carpark and watch the goings-on for awhile! Continue Reading
Count Your Blessings!
What a delightfully old fashioned term - my Mum used to say it to me constantly, I guess that's why I love it so much. But what does it really mean and how can counting your blessings make your life better? Some of the more modern writers in their personal development books use the term develop an "attitude of gratitude". That's also a term used by 12 Continue Reading
Grief and Loss
My sweet little Peggy Sue died recently. Peggy Sue was a cat extraordinaire. She was all of 20 years old when she died on November 9th 2009. Continue Reading
Being True to Yourself.
Following on from "When times are Tough". When you are experiencing times when you feel like giving up because it seems all too hard, it is especially important to (a) know what makes you stronger and (b) know what helps you feel and cope better and (c) take specific action! If you are not completely clear on these things, how will you deal with tough Continue Reading
When Times Are Tough
Often we simply cruise along, loving our days, having great fun and finding life pretty darned enjoyable. Yay! How special these times are! But what about those other times. Times of great stress and tough challenges. How do we get through them with as much peace and grace as possible? How do we keep things simple and not subscribe to the chaos which Continue Reading
Do It Anyway!
I am constantly reminded how important it is, for daily happiness, lasting peace of mind and to achieve what you are wanting from life, to be mindful of when you are resisting doing things that you may not like or find too difficult or too boring - and do them anyway! Life is made up of a series of activities that need doing. Some will be simple and fun, Continue Reading