Loving kindness is primarily about cultivating compassion in our lives. Loving kindness, often referred to as "metta" in the Buddhist tradition, is a powerful practice that holds the potential to transform our relationships with ourselves and others. Rooted in the belief that every being deserves love and happiness, loving-kindness is a practice of Continue Reading
The Enormous Power of Thankfulness!
How's your day going? Are you enjoying being vibrantly alive or feeling like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and worrying about anything and everything? Are you thinking uplifting, exhilarating thoughts or negative, troubling ones? It's your choice you know, but don't beat yourself up if you're not mastering your thoughts and Continue Reading
What is Faith?
Wow - big topic! Am I brave writing a post on it - or maybe a tad naive? Whatever - I believe it's truly important so I'll give it a go. FAITH - obviously has very different connotations individually and culturally. But does faith necessarily mean it's connected to a religion, movement, sect, cult philosophy etc? No - I don't believe it is. Continue Reading
Holistic Cancer Treatment and Prevention: Nurturing the Body, Mind, and Spirit Introduction
Today is a Really Good Day!
What happens when you wake up in the morning? What are your first thoughts? Do you wake up feeling eager and enthused about the day that lies ahead, or do you wake up and think of all the things you don't like and all the problems, real or imagined, your new day brings. Do you wake up and immediately feel appreciation for all the things (and people) Continue Reading
Loving a Well Balanced Lifestyle!
Maintaining a balanced lifestyle is crucial to our overall well-being. It is essential to create a lifestyle that promotes physical, mental, and emotional health. A balanced lifestyle involves a combination of healthy habits and mindful practices that contribute to our overall health and happiness. If you're aware that some of these practices below could Continue Reading
How to Change the Way You Think About Food and Your Health.
A vegan plant-based diet is a type of plant-based diet that excludes all animal products, including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. Here are some interesting studies and research that specifically focus on the benefits of a vegan plant-based diet: Weight loss: A study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine found that participants who Continue Reading
Be Overwhelmed With Thankfulness!
Well Christmas is over for another year. I'm thankful. I don't participate in Christmas - I don't like it much at all. It's not my concern what others do, (although for the environment and the animals, I do think less over the top consuming would be healthier and kinder) but as a lover of peace and quiet, it's not something I warm to. I'm not a fan of Continue Reading
Never Never Never Give Up!
We hear this phrase time and time again but the sad reality is - many people are simply going through their lives bored, frustrated and unhappy and some are suffering when they absolutely don't need to be. This quote from Benjamin Franklin is unfortunately, often true. "Most people die at 25 but are buried at 75" People are constantly looking outside Continue Reading