You can go deep into what your life values are – there’s been huge studies and much written on this topic.
For me – I keep it simple.
Here’s just a few examples.
I love my body and mind so I value both with my daily habits. I follow a healthy, vibrantly alive organic vegan nutrition plan. I meditate daily, practice QiGong, spend quiet time in nature, practice mindfulness, keep learning, be kind to myself and others. If you value your physical and mental health, then nurture it, every day in every way you can.
I love my environment and my home so I look after it. Yes I’m one of those so-called weird people who enjoys cleaning. I love being in the moment cleaning my home and putting lovely fresh energy into it. I value where I live – it’s important for me to honour and respect it so I lovingly and gratefully care for it.
I adore my husband and our animal family and value them hugely, so I do my best to nurture them with loving kindness. We spend peaceful time together in nature daily and quiet time at home enjoying each other’s company. I value the animals’ awesome presence in my life – they enrich our lives in so many ways and deserve great love and respect. I love and value all animals – therefore I follow a vegan lifestyle.
I love and value peace and quiet so I do my best to be quiet and peaceful wherever I go so as not to bother others in case they also value peace and quiet.
You get the message.
Best not to kid yourself you value your health while you smoke, drink alcohol, eat poor quality, non nutrient rich foods (especially those that have been proven to be detrimental to your health!) don’t exercise etc. If you truly value your health, you’ll find ways to support and nurture it, one day at a time – no excuses.
If you value your friendships – nurture them. Contact your friends regularly and support them kindly with gentle understanding and full acceptance of who they are. (if you can’t do that they’re possibly not the right friend for you). Everyone we meet (offline and online) adds value to our lives in some way. Be grateful and let people know you value them with a regular ‘thank you’ and a genuine interest in them and their lives.
People say they value nature, but they purchase products (including clothing) manufactured using animal ingredients, synthetic chemicals (regularly tested on animals) that pollute the earth and effect all it’s inhabitants negatively. If you value nature, educate yourself and where possible say no to dirty, toxic chemicals. There’s plenty of natural products – check ingredients and learn when it’s really natural and cruelty free and when it’s just slick marketing purely to sell more product. Choose Certified Organic for the safest option.
Although they mean well and have good intentions, I think some people may be a little confused and perhaps too busy with other things to notice what they value and, act accordingly.
If you love – then value, respect and protect. Make a list of what and who you love and write down all the ways you can truly, authentically value them.
When you know and stick to your values, decision making becomes easier, your self-confidence and self-worth increases and Every Day Gets Better. 😊❤️
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