Are you a rusher? Are you always running late for something and flying out the door at the last minute?
I confess! I find myself still doing this. Not anywhere near as much as I used to but from time to time it can still occur. I can be writing away on here or putting my attention on something else I enjoy, knowing full well what time I need to leave the house in order to be wherever I need to be at the arranged time, only to find myself rushing around at the last minute and leaving just in the nick of time or, a little late.
Why do we do this? Why do we sometimes leave things to the last possible minute? Is it because we don’t like some of the things we need to do so we put it off until it becomes urgent? Is it bad personal management skills?
After studying and experiencing this topic first hand for many years, I’ve come to the conclusion that we leave things too long and run late because of our values, or lack of following them.
An example: If I care about my health and well-being, wouldn’t it follow that I would leave myself plenty of time so I’m not running late? Why would I consciously place myself under stress and feel rushed and worried that I’m holding someone up because I’m running late? If I care as much as I say I do and value other people, why would I inconvenience them by not being on time?
Now obviously there are times when running late is out of our control no matter what our best intentions but mostly it’s just because we don’t place enough importance on remaining calm and relaxed and helping others to be the same.
Are your values clear to you and do you follow them? Do you say you want more peace in your life but still take on too much and create unnecessary stress for yourself which then, usually affects those around you?
Maybe your values could be more kind and caring towards yourself and others. Perhaps you could make a conscious effort to really think about who and what is most important to you and omit some of the others from your day, or indeed, life.
To become clear on one’s values and then act accordingly is a sure way to feel more in control, more peaceful and ensure that for you,
Thanks Linda – yes we can all be reminded about some of these things that effect our days! Everything I write comes directly from my own experiences and continual practice to change my habits.
Thanks so much for referring the site to others – that’s much appreciated and I’ll reciprocate when your site is up and running too. All the best!
Thanks Wendy, a good reminder to help us be on time more often. Thank you so much for sharing this it will stick in my mind and I will send others here to your website to read, as I think it would be helpful to a lot of people.
Great to hear my little writings have reminded you to slow down a bit and take some more nice peaceful time for yourself. Life certainly does become more manageable and often quite a bit more fulfilling when we quit all that rushing around stuff.
Thanks for your comments Pip! Much appreciated. Wendy xx
HI Wendy,
A great little reminder, just as I was about to rush out of the door to go for a surf even though it is raining. I decided to allocate one of my jobs to Mike which means I don’t have to rush!!
BLess you for your words of wisdom, they are a joy to the heart and necessary for us to stop and think for a moment.
Lots of love
Pip xx
PS. A little later in the day when I was about to rush out of the house to give a Bowen to someone, and actually have to miss lunch as usual, I thought of your words and decided to ring the person to tell them I was going to be late so I didn’t have to rush. Much to my joy they said it would suit them if i came another day.
Thank you Wendy once again. x