How do you begin your day?
Do you wake looking forward to the day ahead or perhaps you face the day feeling a tad daunted or even overwhelmed at what lies ahead.
Some people leap out of bed early, go for a walk or run, maybe do yoga or go to the gym and have a healthy breakfast, but still experience a crap day once they get to their place of work and bit by bit their busy day consumes them.
Of course all these healthy activities are of benefit and more helpful than grabbing a coffee and fast food and rushing to the office, but many people miss the main part of doing their best to have a good day.
It’s called INTENTION.
If you don’t take a few minutes to quietly and consciously set your desired intention for the day, how will you know if you’re on track or not. Intention is not to be confused with to do lists or goals. Intention is simply thinking about and writing down or stating out loud how you would like your day to unfold. That way, you’re making a commitment to living each day with intent and your brain picks up on this and starts creating what you want and not what you don’t want.
If for example your intention is to have a happy day and someone cuts you off in the traffic or you get stuck in a traffic jam, if you recall your intention to have a happy day, you’ll take a deep breath and forgive the traffic rules violater and you’ll use the hold ups to breathe and stay calm and happy.
If you take a moment to stop, breathe and set regular Intentions for your activities during your day, the chances of you actually realising those intentions are much higher than if you just go about your day willy nilly, getting swept up in everything going on around you.
Setting your Intention ensures that Every Day Gets Better.
It’s interesting isn’t it, how often the simplest practices can be so powerful in affecting how we feel. Setting an Intention is so easy to do and as you say, things do go more smoothly if our focus is in the ‘right’ place. ?❤️
That’s such a good point. I’ve noticed that if I just think about what I want to happen or how I want to feel that day, it usually does happen. I’ve never been one to leap out of bed in the morning (not a morning person!), and sometimes the thought of the day ahead is intimidating. But if I focus more on my inner thoughts and feelings and not so much on outer circumstances, I feel like I have more control and things seem to happen more smoothly. Thanks, Wendy – I’ll remember to do this more often!