Have you noticed that if you lump everything you want to do, need to do, find hard to do, don’t want to do, know you’d be better off doing, in your thoughts at the same time, you feel pretty stressed and overwhelmed?
Is this when you give in, even temporarily I mean, and go and have a coffee or something else that isn’t the most beneficial for your health and happiness? Is this when you call a friend and gossip about someone or something that is happening in your life?
Remember – misery loves company and so does chaos and negativity!
You will most likely call a friend who will side with you and spend ages going on and on about how awful he/she/the situation is and will do very little to give you a bit of a gentle kick up the proverbial and remind you that you have a life! An already (or potentially) vibrant, productive, happy, healthy and prosperous life! Gossiping about what you perceive as going wrong in your life will do little to alleviate the situation. Making plans and setting goals to be productive and creating activities around where you want to be in life and not where you don’t want to be, will ensure, in time, these things come to fruition.
Thinking and chattering about a negative situation will only bring more of the same. If you can’t cease with this learned behaviour immediately, at least make sure you spend as much time in your day speaking positively about all the great things that are occuring. If you need to air your worry thoughts, do so with a trained and experienced Counsellor or a trusted friend who won’t feed into your negativity, then finish the conversation talking about all the great things that are present in your life and what you will be doing to change the negative situation you are experiencing to a positive one.
Your days will be brighter and happier and you will achieve more of your aims, feel better about yourself and gain self confidence if you keep your communication predominantly cheery and focused on what you want and not on what you don’t want. Of course there are certain times when this is hard to maintain, but mostly, unless there is a crisis situation occuring, you will find it’s a choice you make to chatter idly and therefore feel frustrated and badly done by.
As my Mum would say, “pull your socks up girl – life waits for no-one”.
Too true.
Watch what you say and who you say it to and observe your life as EVERY DAY GETS BETTER.
Thanks for visiting my site Linda and for your encouraging comments. Yes, so much time is wasted on trivia isn’t it. Imagine what could be achieved with, as you say, just taking these idea on board even a little. Would leave way more time for fun!
Hi Wendy, What a fantastic article. What a better world it would be if everyone could take that on board – even a little bit. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Wendy, beautifully said, I just love the what your mom said to do, “pull your socks up girl – life waits for no-one” So perfectly said, so simply too (which is good for me)! Good article, thanks for sharing!