Dear Readers,
Sometimes it seems so hard to keep pursuing your dreams doesn’t it.
Even if you’re not totally sure of what your dreams really are, you know there’s something more out there in the world for you. You know you really don’t want to be working at that mundane job forever, earning much less than what you’re worth.
Perhaps you dream of owning your own business, or travelling the world, or having an abundance of free time to do more of the things you love and enjoy. Maybe you love your job but want a promotion and more money. The list is pretty much endless of all the opportunities available to us humans, so why aren’t more people living the lives they dream of?
In a nutshell – its hard work bringing your dreams to fruition!
If you were fortunate to grow up in a family (and a society) who taught you that you could achieve anything you wanted and encouraged you to dream big and set your aims and goals in place with a well thought out plan, you are very fortunate indeed. But the reality is that most of us weren’t taught those valuable life skills and in fact were taught the opposite. We saw our families and communities struggle to make ends meet and were given the message, verbally and by demonstration, that the best you could hope for was a good job, ok health and a life of mediocrity, which sadly, rarely brings true fulfillment or gives us the chance to bring our potential to the fore.
Its common in society to see people get married/form partnerships, have children (or not) and bit by bit, under the pressure of day to day living, give up on their dreams and settle for the hum drum of an unfulfilled and often overly stressful and unhappy life. Love is present in various forms, but love is separate from personal realization.
It was Henry David Thoreau who said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”
How sad is that! And how unnecessary.
I’ve found the solution to bringing our the best in yourself and having more of what you want is based primarily on these few factors:
1. Sit quietly regularly, breathe gently and think deeply about what is is you really want out of life. It takes practice, especially if you’re not used to being quiet and some people give up at this first step. Write it down. Be bold, don’t hold back and write whatever you think would bring more fulfillment and deep satisfaction to your life. Write down what you love to do and what brings you joy and feelings of achievement. Write down what you dislike about the world and what you’d change if you could. Write this list often and you’ll soon see a pattern emerging.
2. Pick one small ‘want’ (or bigger want if you’re game) and write a plan of how you’re going to get it – one day at a time. Dream big, but plan your goals out carefully, one step at a time so you don’t become overwhelmed and give up.
3. If your goals are challenging (and what worthwhile goals aren’t) be sure to access help in achieving them. There’s countless info online on ‘how to create a better life and achieve your dreams and goals, but find people you resonate with and leave the others alone, no matter how fantastic an offer they may be promoting. You must feel happy and confident about who you learn from.
4. With your aims clear and your plan in place, take daily action and turn the rest over to your Higher Power – whatever that is to you. Some people pray but don’t take the necessary daily actions and others take massive action but don’t access a Higher Power and I’ve rarely (if ever) seen either process work effectively for the long term.
5. Be thankful every single day for who you are, (no matter what your opinion of yourself may be) what you already have and the possibilities that lie ahead.
A clear plan plus daily action and the help of your Higher Power and you’re on your way to ensuring Every Day Gets Better!
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