We hear this phrase time and time again but the sad reality is – many people are simply going through their lives bored, frustrated and unhappy and some are suffering when they absolutely don’t need to be.
This quote from Benjamin Franklin is unfortunately, often true. “Most people die at 25 but are buried at 75”
People are constantly looking outside of themselves for their happiness and fulfillment and can live their whole lives without realizing that true, lasting happiness only comes from within and never from outside sources. Yes, we can experience (temporary) joy and happiness from being with others, from friendships, family, children, animals, careers etc but what happens when we’re by ourselves, with no outer entertainment or stimulation?
Can you sit quietly with yourself – no phone or devices, no people? Just you – sitting alone, tuning into your higher self, your source within, (whatever that means to you), being still and quiet?
When we discover and practice inner peace, which brings inner happiness, we become aware that we can actually live lives of great joy. We come to know ourselves better and develop clarity on what we want to do with our lives. Then we can turn our dreams into accomplishments and successes regardless of the challenges we face.
No-one needs to live a life of mediocrity, simply managing and not flourishing.
I speak from experience and I am a great example of never giving up.
For over twenty years, I suffered with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and chronic Asthma plus a whole lot of other stuff that was given labels by professionals in the medical field and natural healing modalities. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and PTSD. Looking back, I had many health challenges from early childhood onwards, but it wasn’t until my middle years that it all became horribly debilitating, painful, exhausting and my life changed dramatically.
I’ve always been an exercise, outdoors type but over time I found myself unable to exercise – I couldn’t even manage to practice my beloved QiGong and Tai Chi and walking with our dogs was not possible. I’d sit in the car or on the grass and watch (often with great sadness) while my husband walked the dogs. Socializing and going out with friends became overwhelmingly difficult to impossible and all but a few friends left my life over time. I had food allergies galore and strong sensitivities to smells, sounds, certain places (like medical clinics!) and I became mainly housebound and often bed or couch bound.
When I tried, and believe me, I kept trying, I’d collapse in a heap with bone crushing exhaustion (ME/CFS is way beyond what most people experience as tiring or exhausting), pain, sickness and could barely get to the bathroom let alone leave the bedroom or the house. So I learnt to manage as best I could with the lifestyle I now had.
Fortunately, my dear Mum always taught me to think as positively as possible and ‘count my blessings’ as she used to tell me regularly, so I did. I kept looking for the positives in every day and every situation, despite constantly feeling like I was dying and I especially focused on the good I had in my life, such as a safe and comfortable home, a lovely bedroom, (a bathroom right next to my bedroom became my best friend!) fresh food, clean water, my wonderful, kind husband who became my only carer, my gorgeous animal family and a few dear friends .
No, I didn’t feel great and there were many times along the way where I thought I didn’t want to be here anymore, especially as I’m in my senior years and I’ve experienced the deaths of many loved ones, including saying good-bye to so many animals and it often all seemed pointless as my lifestyle was so limited and appeared to be without purpose.
But I never gave up. I kept the spark alive – as my husband told me often, “the spark is still in you dear and you’ll find a way to flourish again”.
I kept meditating daily (which I’ve been doing since my first class in the 1970’s), and seeking ways to get better and eventually, after all the Doctors, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Herbalists, alternative ‘healers’ of all kinds, Nutritionists, Dieticians, Psychologists and more I’ve most likely forgotten, I found my solution and although some of these Practitioners were somewhat helpful, (especially my Chiro, but many were the opposite) my recovery didn’t come from ‘out there’ but from within my own body, (which is what chiropractic adjustments help with).
The brain! What an absolutely awesome organ it is and if you learn how it originally got stuck in sickness mode and then how to change it back to great health mode (whether physical, mental or emotional) vibrant good health and well-being is not only possible, but extremely achievable.
I’m now back to walking 30-40 mins daily with our dogs and on my own, I’ve started jogging. I’m practicing my QiGong for 20-30 mins daily, I can do housework, cooking (that didn’t change – I still hate cooking – but at least I can do it!) I’m eating what I love (keeping it healthy and high nutrition), can now eat out and I have no reactions and I’m breathing more freely. I tossed out the pills and potions I was taking as I don’t need any of them. Even though most of them were herbal and/or ‘natural’, what a huge relief that is! (and better financially too!) I’m just using a few basics to keep up my immune system.
So the message I’d love you to take from reading a bit of my story is please, please, please, check where you’ve given up or given in on your dreams of what you really want from your life (and your body) and if you’re interested in learning what I did, check out the Lightning Process – it’s the most powerful, effective training I’ve ever undertaken and I’d highly recommend it for anyone wanting to not just live, but to flourish. Ian Cleary (in Australia) is my teacher and I’m filled with gratitude for him and his incredible experience and knowledge, yet simple, easy to understand and relaxed, compassionate teaching method. http://iancleary.com/the-lightning-process
Never give up, keep trying no matter what and Every Day Gets Better.
Dear Wendy, well done you! Amazing!! Your commitment and success is inspiring.
I can relate to parts of your back story…….
I completed the Lightning Process a week ago with Ian and the change in how I feel and what I can do now is incredible! I have had an amazing week! Even did a yoga class, first one in 20 years. I feel happier, more confident and more relaxed about life.
What you are doing in two months, is amazing!
Hearing story and what you are achieving has inspired me today to keep applying the process consistently, even when I don’t feel like it.
Thank you for your generous sharing.
Best wishes
Thank you so much Deb, I appreciate your encouragement and recognition of my successes. Good on you too! I bet you loved that yoga class! Yes doing the LP with Ian certainly gave me strong confidence too, and I feel naturally happier and calmer too. Yes I relate – when I don’t feel like doing the process, I know it’s time to do it and I enjoy it when I do. Stay in touch – I’d love to hear more of your successes. 😀❤️
Hi Wendy,
Can I ask when you completed the Lighting Process Course Wendy? And approximately how long did it take you to shift from where you were prior to course to current? Thank you for your honesty, your story is extremely inspiring and I can personally relate to a lot of what you’ve shared.
Blessings, Kris 🙏🌹🦋
Hi Kris, I did the LP in September and I had some successes immediately. Day 2 of the course I walked my dog (at 7am!) with ease for about 15 mins. I’m now walking (power walking actually)around 1.5-2k’s every second day, with 1 k walks (a bit slower) in between. My days and my life are now enjoyable! Thank you for reading my story and for your kind and encouraging comments. 😀❤️
Wow thank you soo much for sharing your inspiring story Wendy ❤️ 💕 I’m in a similar spot to where u were with cfs and I’m booked to do the LP course with Ian soon 🤞 I really hope to share my recovery story like you have, in the not too distant future 😊 xx
Oh Megan, that’s great!! Best thing I’ve done ever! I’m actually better than I’ve been in my whole life. Thank you for your kind comments. Please keep in touch (my email add is under About Me) and let me know how you go. ❤️😀
Wow, I had no idea your journey has been so extraordinary, Wendy. Thank you for being so honest and sharing your experiences with others who can certainly learn from them. It really is inspirational. ❤️👍
Thank you dear Sara, its supportive and encouraging people like you who have helped keep me enthused and inspired over the years. Thank YOU!❤️❤️
Just incredible Wendy! What a life journey filled with so many challenges but also love, kindness, care, and courage. Courage to keep living. Such a beautiful message and my heart is filled with so much love and hope. You truly are my inspiration and I will never forget despite all the challenges you have faced, you never gave up on ME. Thank you thank you and I am so so happy for you!! Yes NEVER give up, one day, one moment, and one second at a time. xoxo
Thank you so much dear Sahra, your encouragement and honest joy for my successes is deeply touching. I thank you for always believing in me as I believe in you. ❤️😀
I think that’s just about the very best thing you’ve ever written, Wendy. So candid, so clear, so valuable for everyone reading it (including me). And the honesty just blazing through! So much there for us all to take away. How magnificent that you’ve not only forged a new path for yourself but also shone a light on that path for everyone else. Bravo. Just, bravo. xx
Dearest PB, gosh, I greatly appreciate your kind and encouraging words and sentiments. Thank you for your ongoing support and genuine interest in me and my experiences. Maybe one day I may even write as wonderfully as you! Nah……my command of English and grammar is nowhere near your standard. 😀😀