Dear Readers, Sometimes it seems so hard to keep pursuing your dreams doesn't it. Even if you're not totally sure of what your dreams really are, you know there's something more out there in the world for you. You know you really don't want to be working at that mundane job forever, earning much less than what you're worth. Perhaps you dream of Continue Reading
What is Freedom?
I met a gentle soul on the beach recently. He was a traveler and he told me he was a student of freedom and sharing his observations with others as he made his way around Australia. Of course this got me thinking. How does one actually study freedom? What does freedom really mean? How do you achieve freedom in a busy world? After much Continue Reading
A Few Tips Towards a Happy New Year!
So here we go! Another new year has begun according to our Gregorian calendar and it's become a tradition to make resolutions about things we want to change and achieve in the coming year. Do you think we make resolutions because of a certain amount of societal pressure at this time of year or do we make them because we sincerely seek change? I find Continue Reading
The Christmas Season
If you come to know me better, you'll discover that I'm not that fond of Christmas and prefer to stay quiet and away from the madness and chaos. (read on - there's good bits to follow!). I'm not a fan of rampant consumerism at the best of times, let alone during the "silly season". My mind doesn't cope well with the fact that gorgeous trees are cut down Continue Reading
Is Personal Development Really Necessary?
It seems everything you read these days about health and well-being somehow relates back to Personal Development. It's often called personal growth, self development, self awareness, maybe enlightenment and a whole lot of other fashionable names that arose in the mainstream sometime over the past few decades. Some people take to personal development like Continue Reading
How to Be Happy – Naturally!
Many people require a great number of things and/or substances in order to feel happy but is this real, lasting happiness or just a quick fix? Sadly, it's usually a quick fix situation and doesn't contribute positively to long term joy and fulfillment. Certainly in the case of mind altering substances, including alcohol, the happy feelings are quickly Continue Reading
Know Thyself!
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” ― Socrates So the Greek Philosopher Socrates stated that way back then and the phrase has been used by thousands, probably millions, ever since. But what does it really mean? How do you examine your life and why bother? Doesn't life, and stuff, just happen? Well I guess it does to some people and perhaps Continue Reading
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!
One of the best ways I know to master your days, weeks, months and years, is to understand how to make decisions. Now that may seem like a really simple thing to do but many people struggle with making decisions, big and small, because they are basically fearful of the outcomes of their choices. They go back and forth in their thinking with "what if I do Continue Reading
Master or Victim?
In my last post I suggested that you may want to note the word VICTIM and there's a good reason for that. Many years ago I attended a weekend workshop titled Master Victim Consciousness. You may assume from the title that it was in the 80's and you'd be right! It was somewhere in the early 80's and I was constantly seeking to understand life and human Continue Reading