Hi Everyone, Its been a long time since I've come to my blog to write about life and stuff. I hope you like the brand new fresh and happy beach theme. Roll on summer (if you happen to be in Vic, Aust like me). So what's been happening in your world and why haven't you heard from me in ages? Well, I've been busy being sick and finding ways to heal - Continue Reading
Who’s Right Who’s Wrong?
There’s been affair bit of discussion going on in our household lately about achievement and how to go about ensuring aims goals and are reached. My take on it is always – take immediate action and lots of it, while my husband Dale tends to think about things for a fair while, study and accumulate a great deal of knowledge and take action - Continue Reading
Shocking Film Shows the Truth About Achieving True Health
What would you think if I told you that pretty much everything you've ever heard on TV, the radio or in newspapers about health was wrong… There's a shocking film that I think you need to see that reveals some hard truths Continue Reading
Following on from the first "A", Awareness, is Acceptance. Much has been written about becoming aware of something and then immediately changing your thoughts to something different and more positive, if you caught yourself thinking Continue Reading
The Four A’s
To be successful, happy and have more of what you want in your life, following the Four "A"'s will go a long way in assisting you to turn your dreams to goals and then to achieve those goals, one step at a time. The First A. AWARENESS: Continue Reading
As I've previously mentioned in my posts, we recently prepared for a move to a new home. What an enormously disrupting thing to do! Stuff to clear out, stuff to pack away and then the big day arrives Continue Reading
You Are Important!
I'm not fond of so-called celebrities. I don't mean any particular individuals (although there are a few that I don't resonate well with), but I'm talking about Continue Reading
Letting Go of What You Don’t Want!
What on earth does "LETTING GO" really mean and how do we achieve this? Surely if you don't want something anymore, Continue Reading
It's easy to be enthusiastic when things are going according to plan but what about when obstacles keep occurring and your enthusiasm wanes. How do you stay positively focused on what you want? Enthusiasm can be tricky to maintain especially when you are tired or when you have so much to do you and you may feel Continue Reading