Who are you? Isn't this an interesting question. So how do you answer? Most people would reply by telling you their name and something about themselves. As in - 'I'm Wendy, I'm 72 years of age and I live near the beach with my husband and our dog and cat family'. But that's not who I am - that's just a bit of an example of how I live my physical Continue Reading
Back in the 80's, while engrossed in a Personal Development workshop I was attending, the presenter spoke about understanding the true nature of fear and coined it False Expectations Appearing Real. Out of everything I heard that day, this phrase struck the biggest chord with me. I thought about it constantly and shared it with anyone and everyone who cared Continue Reading
Is it ok to be truly happy?
I have always had thoughts running around in my mind that it's not ok to be too happy while there are so many people suffering all manner of misfortunes. I used to think it would be ok to be happy if everyone else was too. I think I may have felt and taken on the pain of others a little too strongly! In my younger years, if a friend I cared about was Continue Reading
The Beauty of Change.
Sometimes knowingly, or unknowingly we punish ourselves by eating all the wrong foods, not exercising, being too busy at work and socially. We take on too many things, avoid saying no to people and situations and we don't have enough quiet time. We feel stressed and overwhelmed and crave rest but often don't even know why. Self care and self love means Continue Reading
Why This Very Moment is so Precious!
This very moment is so precious because it’s the ONLY moment! I know that can sound a tad weird or esoteric, but when you think about it logically, you’ll get it. A minute ago doesn’t exist - it’s gone and a minute from now doesn’t exist yet so all you have is this exact moment. Right here, right now, is all there is so I think you’d agree what we do in Continue Reading
Look After Your Body! It’s More Important Than You May Think.
Taking good care of your mind and body takes time, sometimes requires patience and always requires diligence, a bit of research and above all, finding things that are right for you. There no shortage of inferior products in the marketplace, on and off line, claiming to be good for your health and well-being when, if you've done your homework and Continue Reading
Why Acceptance Eases (or even avoids) Suffering.
My dear brother, who has been a steady, kindly and joyous presence in my life since childhood, sadly passed away last week. (7th Jan 2022). He had been seriously ill since Christmas and just four days before he died he was diagnosed with acute Myeloid Leukaemia. It was a shock to all concerned as he was a fit, strong, healthy and happy man who enjoyed life Continue Reading
Peace or Chaos? Which Will You Practice?
It's an interesting fact that your habits and chosen, practiced disciplines, whether good or not so good, kick in strong when needed most. It's needless to say that if you've been making a good effort to practice positive, helpful habits, they will strongly support you at times when things become challenging. It works the other way too. If you're Continue Reading
My Mother, My Best Mentor Ever.
My Mother was born on this day in 1917. I often ponder on what she would have made of the world today, but I already know the answer to my musings. She was strong, focussed and incredibly resilient. She had to be - she had two toddlers who were born just before and during WW11. (I was born ten years later). She had already experienced the death of her Continue Reading