I unashamedly love quotes! Plus, I love the pics creative people do with quotes on them. You can google pretty much any quote you like and you'll most likely find a great corresponding image. (many are copyright so be mindful of this if you intend sharing and credit the creator when possible). I love quotes, obviously because there's some age old Continue Reading
Good, Better, Best………..
When I was a kid there was a phrase teachers and parents regularly stated. "Good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better and your better best". I sort of understood it back then and recall feeling inadequate and that I may not be able to live up to it, but as an older adult, it now makes perfect sense. Rather than seeing the Continue Reading
Help Your Body and Mind With the Best!
Of course we know that what you put into your body makes a big difference to your physical, mental and emotional health. Many, many studies show that consuming too many 'junk' foods and drinks can not only contribute to unhealthy weight gain putting stress and strain on your vital organs, but can cause many other illnesses both physical and mental. But Continue Reading
Think You Don’t Need Other People? Think Again.
We all like to think we're independent, but what does that really mean? I like to think of myself as a fiercely independent woman. I grew up in a family troubled by my dear Dad's alcoholism and I made up my mind in my teenage years that I'd be a strong person and never 'need' anyone. I've learnt, over many years of meditation and following a spiritual Continue Reading
What You Think of Me Doesn’t Matter.
So many people use so much energy and a great deal of time (and money) trying to impress others. Social media is a perfect example. People trying hard to post clever, witty posts screaming 'look at me, I'm great!' Sadly, women appear to be the leaders with constant pics of themselves in their new teeny weeny bathing suit, or new hairdo, extravagant make Continue Reading
Do You Like Yourself or Give Yourself a Hard Time?
One of the many ways we give ourselves a hard time is by comparing ourselves to others. How exhausting and stressful! Who's the judge anyway? Who writes the criteria for who's better than someone else? Sadly it's usually the media and advertisers wanting to sell you their latest product. How about starting today - right now, being kinder to Continue Reading
Being Truly Happy.
It's a sheer joy and brings great freedom to know that your happiness comes from within yourself and not from any outer source - but it can also be a tad daunting. What if you believe a relationship with the 'right' person can make you happy? What if you think the perfect job/career, home, environment etc will bring you lasting happiness? Sadly, there are Continue Reading
How to Be Calmer and Not Feel Overwhelmed.
Gosh, what a lot of stuff we're all dealing with each and every day and in Covid times it's even harder for some people. People are used to the freedom of jumping in their car or on a plane and travelling to see family and friends, going out to lunch or dinner, catching up for a variety of social outings. Most people have holidays away from home to unwind Continue Reading
Do You React or Respond?
I think one of the best benefits I've experienced from practicing Mindfulness and Meditation is I now stop, take a slow calm breath and respond, not re-act impulsively. Well, not always, but certainly much more than I used to. A friend said to me recently that she has realised she's not getting tougher with age and her comment made me think - have I Continue Reading