Appreciate Yourself! Sometimes we just don't realise how hard we are being on ourselves. In fact, I'd say most people rarely notice. We don't clearly see how often we berate ourselves or how little we encourage and appreciate ourselves. How often during your waking hours are you telling yourself any (or all!) of these things? I'm not good enough. I Continue Reading
Do You Actually Know What You’re Thinking?
It's been studied, talked about and recommended for eons but so many people still don't fully comprehend the power of their thoughts. I even hear some scoffing at the possibility that thinking in a certain way can enhance or detract from one's happiness. If you're a doubter, here's a great exercise to try. Continue Reading
Give it a Rest!
How to drive yourself crazy - keep re-hashing the same old thoughts and feelings! When unpleasant (or worse) stuff happens to us our thoughts can become pretty insane, especially if we're angry. If you're anything like me, you'll relate when I say my most challenging thing to get over and let go of is injustice. Someone did the wrong thing by my Continue Reading
Suffering and Attachment.
Apparently the Buddha stated that he believed all human suffering comes from attachment. Hmmmm........... what does that mean? How can we live, love and cherish without becoming attached? Isn't detachment a form of coldness and not caring? Isn't that an excuse to opt out? When I first encountered this attachment theory, it made no sense to me at all but Continue Reading
What Type of Day Will You Choose?
It's a grey skies rainy day here in Melbourne and being the start of a new week, I know some people can find Mondays a challenging time to feel happy and joyful after a (possible) carefree weekend of little or no responsibilities. It's no secret that your ATTITUDE is an all important factor in everything you do, but I can't stress it's Continue Reading
Peace Despite the Pressure!
Our neighbours are moving out. They sold their house a few months ago and are in the cleaning out and packing stage. I don't know them well - we've had a few conversations over the fence and shared lawn mowing of the nature strip outside our homes and I've found them to be nice people and they've been great neighbours. Sadly, the pressure of moving home Continue Reading
How to Bring More Peace to Your Day.
The sad and worrying part of the world we live in is that there are many injustices and a great deal of violence and cruelty. That's a fact and it's disturbing and hard to believe that humans can be so destructive and out of balance. But, there are also many peaceful, compassionate people taking action every day, week, month and year to bring kindness to Continue Reading
Three Tips on How To Have a Happier New Year.
Tip number one. Be more grateful. Tip number two. Be more kind (towards yourself and others). Tip number three. Be calmer. BE MORE GRATEFUL. You hear this word bandied about everywhere but do we actually stop to think what being grateful is all about? How do you summon up feelings of gratitude when life is presenting you with a myriad of Continue Reading
The Gentle Love of the Christmas Season.
As the crowds rush through the shops at the last minute before 'the big day', I wonder how many people are in a loving state of being. I'm not talking about joy or excitement and especially not the hype that can sweep people up at this time of year, but rather, a peaceful, deep love of oneself and others - without exceptions. With the buying frenzy Continue Reading