How’s your day going?
Are you enjoying being vibrantly alive or feeling like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and worrying about anything and everything?
Are you thinking uplifting, exhilarating thoughts or negative, troubling ones?
It’s your choice you know, but don’t beat yourself up if you’re not mastering your thoughts and working positively with your feelings. You’re human and you’ve been ‘programmed’ since birth with a multitude of beliefs that may no longer serve you well.
No matter how well meaning our parents, teachers, community leaders and others around us in authority may have been, in childhood and beyond, we were all taught so much ‘stuff’ that is no longer relevant to our current lives.
My dear Mum, bless her beautiful heart, taught me some great things that still serve me well, but because she came from a large family (seven kids) who struggled with country life, she told me regularly, ‘you can’t have everything’. Admittedly it was most likely when I was demanding something unaffordable with my parent’s modest incomes, but the message was loud and clear and for a long time, I truly believed it.
My Mum also taught me to count my blessings and be thankful for everyone and everything.
If you think you don’t have enough, or you’re not enough (not good enough, not slim enough, not smart enough, not doing enough – of what you want in particular etc – you get the picture), think again.
I know my Mum meant you can’t have everything you want, but she was taught that by her parents and the times they lived in and she didn’t understand the laws of the universe and quantum physics.
Today, we know that (your) vibration precedes physical manifestation and one of the best vibrations to get yourself into daily, for better health, prosperity and all round happiness, is thankfulness. If you’re focussing on being thankful and constantly noticing, counting all your wonderful blessings (thanks Mum) you’ll be in a higher vibration to draw to you what you’re wanting.
I can’t profess to fully understand how the universe works, but I do know when you’re happy and in a grateful state of mind, everything seems to flow and you feel like you can take on the world and, more of what you’re wanting happens. However, if you allow your thinking to sink into worry and you’re focussing on thoughts of ‘I’m not enough, it’s not enough, what if ……………….(add your worrying, fearful what ifs here!), you soon forget about all you are, (you magical human creation you), all you have and all you’re capable of and from that you feel dreadful and all sorts of challenging things start occurring around you.
So for a happier, more peaceful experience of life and to change from beliefs of ‘you can’t have everything’, (what’s the definition of everything anyway?) make it a habit to consciously choose to go though your day thinking about all you have, how wonderful your mind/body is, what a miraculous being you are in an amazing universe on a spectacular earth, and you’ll soon realise you actually do have everything.
Focus on thankfulness for all you are and all you have and Every Day Gets Better. 😀❤️
With thanks to the anonymous person who shared this lovely image and of course to dear Thich Nhat Hahn for his wise words. ❤️
Wendy – I so appreciated this post! It made me focus on what’s working, what’s great, and what is going “right” in my life. Thank you so much – and your mom yes learned the belief that one can’t get everything from her parents/environment! Thank you for the beautiful reminders.
Thank you dear Sahra, yes it’s always good to remember that everything we desire is within us – not ‘out there’. Focussing with joy on what we want (not what we don’t want) helps bring it to us. Sending love 😀❤️
This is a great reminder Wendy, and if we don’t get it ‘right’ today, we get the wonderful opportunity to have a do over tomorrow. Because the more we practise this way of thinking/living, the better we get at it. Wishing you the most amazing day my friend 💛💛
Dearest friend, what beautiful, much appreciated comments. Thank you and I wish you a wonderful week ahead. ❤️😀🎉