Hi, I’m Wendy and I’d like to extend a very warm welcome to you and say thanks for visiting my Blog!
If you have just a minute, I have a few questions for you to think about.
- How happy are you?
- How enthused are you with the lifestyle you lead?
- Do you love and enjoy your time at work?
- Are you fulfilled by your relationships with other people?
- Are you a peaceful type of person or do you spend a fair bit of time stressed out and worried?
- Do you earn enough income to meet all your needs and then have some left over?
- Are you confident and do you feel good about who you are and what you do?
American Author Henry David Thoreau stated:
Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.
What a horribly sad thought! Sad, but true in so many cases.
So how can you be happier and spend your days doing what you love? How can you enjoy each moment and find peace and contentment in your day? Can you actually be happy or is this just something that all the Personal Development books talk about as if it’s as simple as night follows day and vice versa. Millions of these books are sold all over the world year after year so does that mean that people are not happy and are desperately searching for that often elusive state of being?
Happiness isn’t just about pasting a smile on your face and appearing bubbly and bright. Peace of mind isn’t about walking around in a perceived state of calm, taking deep breaths and spouting words of a (so-called) spiritual nature. Vibrant living isn’t about what you can buy or what you can do and self confidence and healthy self esteem can’t be found in a bottle or substance (of any kind!).
I’m not going to tell you to think positively, visualise, say affirmations, take some herbs or vitamins and everything will be ok as that has not been my experience. Although those activities have been helpful in some ways, I’ve found for lasting results I’ve needed a different approach.
On these Blog Pages, I’ll be regularly sharing stories of how I’ve managed to remain a pretty happy, peaceful and inspired person despite life’s many and varied challenges during my (almost) 60 years on Earth.
I’ll be letting you in on my secrets of how to live a happier life, how to feel calmer as you go through your day, how to feel more vibrant and alive and how to make more money.
True! I’ve had the experiences and I know EVERY DAY DOES GET BETTER!
Come back and join me soon won’t you. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you.
All the best,
Wendy : )
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experienced Debbie. Your participation is greatly valued. As you say, losing loved ones certainly does make us more aware and able to learn if the willingness is there. Sadly, some lose hope. I agree – sharing with others is inspiring and something I see as greatly important. Come back soon! 🙂
Yes, as someone recovering from v bad PTSD when my beautiful mum died in front of me, i know that life can get better – even after a long struggle – as the saying goes – never the same again, but you can get to a point where you are more aware and able to learn from yourself and others – and being inspired by others is something i enjoy, as well as sharing my own insights when i have them – good to see a site like this
Oh don’t I have magnificent, beautiful caring friends! How blessed I am! As always, I am thrilled to hear about your journey, your achievements and how your life is progressing. I love your writing too so come back regularly and share will ya?
Well done! Yes to all questions! Fantastic achievement! You’ll soon have lots of money left over at the end too! Thanks for visiting and sharing xx
Hi Wendy!
Love this post too…and I have to share with you that of all the questions that you asked in regards to how happy one can be….I must admit that, to my surprise…I was able to say ‘yes’ to everything except for the “left over money at the end” question! LOL LOL
Yes, being happy is the key to being able to live a life out of quiet desperation….well, you cant keep this broad quiet even if you tried! However, I do know what it is like to live in desperation and depression, not having a clear path of where to go in life, self-worth, self-love, acceptance, courage to change….etc! So blessed to not be ‘there’ today but it is a daily maintenance, and spiritual, physical and mental ‘work’ that goes into being able to stay happy 98% of the time!
With amazing people in my life today….such as Wendy who has really changed my life, I get to walk on a path that is saturated with love, light and wisdom. What a miracle that I can say all of this today….thank you thank you thank you!!
Looking forward to receiving daily inspirations from your blog and from your beautiful writing.
Much love and bow-wows!
xo Jimmie
Make me cry why don’t you! Thanks so much dear friend xx
Hi, I have never met a more inspiring person than Wendy, I never get enought time to share in her wisdom so this blog will be great. To find someone in your life who can inspire & encourage like Wendy can, is truly a gift from God. Well done! Love ya work!
Thanks Sophy, I do think my approach to life is pretty realistic and practical. I’ve tried many methods but always find practical the most effective. You’re right – life is short (my almost 60 years have just flown by!)and I am grateful that I have learned to be happier and more relaxed and yes, one’s own sources of income are extremely important. I’m inspired by you too!
I look forward to your stories and blog pages! We all seem to be searching for something more in life and your approach sounds realistic (although wouldn’t life be easy if it was a matter of just taking herbs and vitamins!!). We are on earth for such a short time, it would be wonderful to be a happier, calmer person (who can also generate their own income too!) and truly get the most out of my life. I am truly inspired and can’t wait for your updates!