Often we simply cruise along, loving our days, having great fun and finding life pretty darned enjoyable. Yay! How special these times are!
But what about those other times. Times of great stress and tough challenges. How do we get through them with as much peace and grace as possible? How do we keep things simple and not subscribe to the chaos which may be all around us?
I’m talking about those times when big decisions are needed and none of the options seem viable, manageable or even to our liking.
I’m referring to times of deep loss and grief and times when thinking positively won’t make a hoot of a difference – at the time. How do we find the energy and clarity of thought to ensure that we stay sane and improve our chances of a great future when our lives seems to be falling apart and everything is just overwhelming.
Well, being almost 60 years of age and having survived all of the above many times over, I’ve learnt some pretty cool tricks to stay afloat, stay sane (well sort of!) and keep pursuing and achieving my dreams.
So come back soon and I’ll begin sharing them with you.
Life does Get Better Everyday!
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